Specific Skillset Practice Pack List


jesus christ thats a lot. thanks for the effort ill check some of them out


You’re my savior man! Seriously! Thanks!

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glad to help (^-^)

you forgot mina 5

SMOC 2 and 3 contain very few chordjack files. SMOC 2 itself even has several charts that are entirely single taps. Anyone looking to farm a chordjack rating out of all of the SMOC will be sorely disappointed in finding mostly very difficult glut files. One type of stereotypical file from SMOC is heavily minijack-js oriented, in addition to the glut-oriented file.

See this thread on smoc itself: Good smoc files?

Fixed it to be 4-8 and this isnt a thread meant to farm skillset points, it’s just for practice regardless of msd.

hi, which section is for rolls?

Nothing specifically for rolls, but Stream should be good for that.

Thx for this pack list. I was looking for some jack files and I finally found packs for training this skillset. Thx again :smiley:

I have a playlist on my etterna profile called “RollGang” that has a bunch of roll stuff, check it out https://etternaonline.com/user/ulti#playlists

Thanks I’ll do that

this was i wanted

Probably a silly request, but how about hold-oriented files? I know Magicschool Arpia has quite a few

I’m probably not the best to ask about this but Sawasdee ET and Remi have quite a bit.

NOW i can improve, thanks bud

no probs m8

xingyue’s etterna 1-5 ¿?

Etterna Explosion Excitepack…
jump & chordjack

better than gochamaze

added to variety

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