Reviews, day 1
[Two charts from each group each day, grade from F to S with X for N/A, four categories: tech/execution. variety/novelty, flow, potential]
Rainshower #1
Tech: S
It’s charted really well and I haven’t noticed any errors in it. The pattern choice is correct with only one somewhat questionable segment: minijacks at 1:30. The “tap-jump-hand” works super well.
Variety: A
Though the pattern choice is correct, the pattern choice is somewhat limited. It’s very consistent though. The biggest disappointment is the intro though: straight 24th rolls is kind of boring and the mine usage is a bit too bland.
Flow: A
My left hand cried playing this.
Potential: A
The chart requires only the intro to be improved really to be perfect.
Overall: 25 / 28.
Rainshower #2
Tech: S
No questions asked.
Variety: S
This chart’s intro destroys RS1. The patterns are also way more fun to play. The only thing that kinda stinks was the straight quad with a hold and mines in between. That sounds changes intensity, but it’s not really reflected in any way. But, this is offset by the rest of the chart.
Flow: S
Absolutely beautiful. The only segment that threw me off were the 48th flams. They are quite tricky to hit correctly.
Potential: S
The chart is as good as it gets.
Overall: 28/28 and a favorite chart from the contest.
Dr. Sebagh #1
Tech: B
Some bursts are too long and there is one that felt really off when I played it.
Variety: A
It’s fairly varied in pattern choice, not much to say.
Flow: B
Several flow breaking segments and the difficulty is fairly uneven. The intro felt really good, but the rest of the chart… not so much. Also what the fuck are these trills in the second half?
Potential: C
You’d have to revamp half the chart for it to become really good.
Overall: 20/28
It underdelivered from my hype for it on stream.
Dr. Sebagh #2
Tech: D
Nice fucking difficulty curve man. Holy shit. 22 my ass. The spikes are insane.
It starts off with graces that make no sense.
Why did you change trills for rolls during the “Dr. SEBAAAAAAGH” scream?
It is also incredibly inconsistent in representing sustained voice. Sometimes it’s a hand and sometimes it’s a 24th miniroll. Why?
Bro, fuck the dense handstream segment, jesus fuck.
What the fuck is this unplayable polyjack at 1:48?
Variety: A
Well, it had variety, I’ll give you that. It’s not executed well, but it had it.
Flow: X
I can’t grade this.
Potential: F
Sorry, this needs to be redone from scratch pretty much.
Overall: 10/21 -> 13/28
Rock-a-doodle-doo #1
Tech: B
Not sure why you decided to chart just the piano and not the insturment that’s way more funky. It’s jarring - I’m focused on the synth. Pattern choice is okay for this instrument other.
Variety: C
Not too varied. It’s really just jumps, a few hands and 3-minijacks and a couple holds. Too barebones.
Flow: A
It flows pretty well.
Potential: D
The chart feels half-done and with barely any effort put into it. Did you make this two days before the deadline?
Overall: 18/28
Rock-a-doodle-doo #2
Tech: A
It’s alright. Not too good, but definitely not bad. A couple questionable pattern choices: inverse LNs don’t work there. Straight quads in the ending?
Variety: C
It’s pretty much straight up JS or even chordstream.
Flow: A
Pretty good flow, no questions there. The funk is represented as much as possible with the notes given.
Potential: A
This chart is what it is. For a 14.43, it has little to improve besides the ending.
Overall: 22 / 28
Overwatch Theme #1
Tech: B
Executed okay, no errors found. Pattern choice sucks in many places however: the trills don’t work and double holds are omnipresent. Double holds should only be reserved for simple segments because the severely limit what you can do. They’re on par with quads in how much they limit you.
Variety: C
Straight holdstream, not much to say.
Flow: A
It flows very well, but that’s a given for patterns chosen.
Potential: X
Cannot grade this, the MSD is too low.
Overall: 15 / 21 -> 20 / 28
Overwatch Theme #2 (XMOD!)
Tech: E
Horrible xmod execution: unsightreadable, yet used little. Also custom BPM is not set so it’s not mmod compatible.
With patterns, the PR is non-existent, the pattern choice is okay in some places, but some holds are of incorrect length
Variety: D
It’s JS and simple holds.
Flow: X
X for Xmod, the flow is broken in the worst way possible.
Potential: D
Even removing xmod, this chart is very bland and not fun to play.
Overall: 8 / 21 -> 11 / 28.
Tech: D
The intro is good, but then it all goes to shit.
Major errors: no accents on sounds, it plays like a straight chordstream with 32nd rolls, but the song is much more varied than that. Incorrect snaps everywhere as well, for example 0:23 – this is a 24th, not a 16th. The rolls feels too slow.
Actual ghost notes in places like 0:41. Invalid snaps again at 0:51 – this is a 24th. And so on.
Variety: C
Jumps for actual notes, taps for ghost and filler notes, 32nd roll for wub, a hand for the click-like sound (and not always). There, I described your whole chart.
Flow: A
It does flow, but the flow is artificial. A for artificial flow.
Potential: D
If you were to remove all ghost notes and filler, you’d get a decent skeleton chart, but that’s about all.
Overall: 16 / 28.
Tech: A
It’s pretty good, not much questions. I’m not really sure about fake (?) rolls you have throughougt the song, they seem to be confusing – should I tap them or not? Are they decorative or real?
The song deserves so much more love though, deserves to be charted more.
Variety: X
It’s not super varied, but this stems from it being a 13 chart. Can’t grade.
Flow: A
It flows just fine.
Potential: A
The chart works just as it is. Only a few segments to change to make it a good 13.
Overall: 18 / 21 -> 24 / 28.