Where should I look?

Hello, I’m quite new to rhythm games and I was just wondering what I should be looking at while I play, I ask this because I noticed that if I look directly in the middle of my screen I hit more notes but my accuracy suffers and if I look at where I should be hitting notes the opposite occurs, I’ve also tried tracking the notes as they moved up but ended up playing worse in general. So what I’m asking is if there’s a proper area I should be looking at. Thanks for any responses in advanced

You want to find a fixed position, preferably farther away from directly on the receptors. I would say on average people tend to look at the center of the play-field, but that doesn’t mean that you will find that the most comfortable. You may find it easier to have a certain element to focus on during play to keep as an anchor, for me that is the judgments and error bar. You can see my look area in this example photo:

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fixed position
i look here (cringe)

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