Pack name inspired by some random dude in VC (can’t remember who)
This is my first community collaboration and I’m hoping it’ll be a good one. The focus is chordjack (who could’ve guessed?) subject to a few restrictions:
- Don’t do anything stupid in your charts. While I will be very lenient about this, there are things that are just objectively bad to do. Here’s an example of something you shouldn’t do: don’t insert super dense chordjack sections where it would be obvious that a break is better in that part.
- You’re free to use different styles of chordjack in your charts.
- Don’t submit files below 10 MSD; they barely count as chordjack and uprates don’t really do much to make the chart enjoyable.
- Exercise caution when submitting files above 35 MSD; it’s likely to be unfun if you just slap in stamina handjacks (however, I won’t disallow such submissions if they follow rule 1; take this rule as more of a guide)
- However, to ensure that all charts are playable at 0.7 or higher, files above 45 MSD cannot be submitted.
You can either submit files to me by DMing me on Discord (Milla#5642) or by joining the Discord server. There is no submission cap, so have fun charting! I’ll post updates here periodically.
EDIT: Updated rule 1 to make it a little bit clearer what I mean by “chart accurately”; dump CJ over chorus or vocals is cool, random chords in a distinct break section of a song is not.