MSD 22 Tournament 2

Do you like Etterna’s always objectively correct MSD system? Do you like charting songs that take seven or eight minutes only for yourself? Do you want to show your strong potential in mathematics?

There were a lot of new ideas came in the last MSD 22 Tournament, and now a year has passed, both the Etterna game and the community have some new understandings on charting, and it’s time to have fun again!

Schedule: (CST)
Submission time: July 25, 2023 - August 21, 2023
Voting time: August 22, 2023 - September 4, 2023


  1. The tournament is divided into the normal group and the math group. You can participate in both groups at the same time, and the scores will be calculated separately in the end.
  2. You can choose a song (audio) with any length for each group and finish a chart on it.
  3. It must be a 4k chart, and the chart must have a MSD rating of 21.5-23.5 in Etterna 0.72.3.
  4. When submitting the chart, please upload a demo video of the chart, which can be replay or autoplay; the video can be arbitrarily set with noteskin and other settings, but it is not allowed to add special effects later.

Results and Awards:

  1. At the end of the submission, I will release all the charts submited in a pack and release votes at the same time. Each player can vote up to (competitors) * 30% (rounded down). In the end, the top three charters in each group will receive awards.
  2. In the math group, the number of votes for each chart plus [the standard deviation of the 7 MSD terms of the chart] is the final number of votes.
  3. The top three in the normal group can get 7 USD rewards (~50 RMB), and the top three in the math group can get 2.8 USD rewards (~20 RMB).


  1. The chart should not be releashed before and related to the song/audio you selected.
  2. Do not upload NSFW content.
  3. Do not upload political content.

you can directly send files to me on discord: xingren or join my discord server:

have fun!!

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