EO2 - Early Invite Rollout

It’s been a while since the last public update.

The next website for EO is now available for public viewing and can be accessed through this link:

The new website is still in beta and not released! However, we’ve just now begun to share early invite codes on our Discord. This will allow you to secure an account on the new EO website. We may also post a few invite codes on our new forum, so keep an eye out there.

Since the old website is shut down, this forum is now retired. All content will be still available to read under the same URL, but access to accounts will no longer be available. The new forum can be accessed through this link.


What is EO2?
EO2 is the codename for the website rewrite of EtternaOnline. It is designed to improve and fix most major issues that the old website had. The new website offers a more intuitive interface, faster performance, and better support for moderation, ranking, etc.

Is EO2 gonna be a new game? Etterna 2??
No. EO2 does not refer to the game at all. It refers solely to the new website of EtternaOnline. The next game release (0.73.0) will be made compatible with the new website, and will have improvements / bug fixes on its own.

What happens to old accounts? Do they get transferred to the new website?
EO2 is a full reset of the website. This means any account that registered on the old website will NOT carry over to the new one. So you will need to create a new account in order to use the new website.

How do I register on EO2?
Grab an invite code from our Discord, or wait for a potential invite code on our new forum.
If none of the codes work anymore, then all you can do is wait for the next ones to drop.

How do I upload my scores?
Learn more how to upload scores to EO2 through the tutorial on our new forum.
In short, you need the 0.73.0 client in order to upload scores to EO2. It is currently in testing and not released. If you aren’t a tester, then you can’t at a moment. At a later point when it is more important, we will be providing really specific instructions on how to update and migrate to the new website.

Is it recommended to download the client that’s on the EO2 news page?
No, because of the point above. If you aren’t registered on the new website, aren’t a tester or cannot help with testing. Please don’t bother downloading it and wait for the website & client to fully release. The registration at the moment is only intended for you to secure your place on the new website before it’s fully out.

Okay, I tried to download it anyway. Why won’t it let me? I get a 404 error.
You need to log into GitHub.