DDR-PS3 Normal + DDR-PS3 Note

Hello, I share with you a customization of notes for stepmania, which I believe are compatible for etterna in its two available versions.
These had been created together with a display theme, random videos and complete song package, but in this post I will only put the notes, greetings!!

DDR-PS3: link
DDR-PS3-Note: link

Normal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Yw81_wEwZs&pp=ygUHZGRyIHBzMw%3D%3D
Note: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJWrKofbuec&pp=ygUHZGRyIHBzMw%3D%3D

these noteskins will not function in stepmania 5 (or etterna) because they are made for stepmania 3.9. they use the old ini actor format and do not contain a noteskin.lua file with a loader function

i have updated the original post with links that are not giving somebody money

DDR-PS3: DDR-PS3.zip - Google Drive
DDR-PS3-Note: DDR-PS3-Note.zip - Google Drive

Ya estan arreglados los enlaces :slight_smile: y efectivamente esas notes son solo para stepmania 3.9